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The Natural Resources Conservation Service's Regional Conservation PartnershipProgram (RCPP) Sign-Up

The Natural Resources Conservation Service's Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) merges private landowners with conservation practitioners to leverage financial and technical assistance to implement conservation on a landscape-scale.

This unique program focuses on the Georgia Sentinel Landscape, a coalition of the DoD, DOI, and USDA to promote the preservation of working lands around military installations coupled with restoring prescribed fire back to its historical range. Stewarding the land with prescribed fire is integral to preserving Georgia's unique ecology.

Furthermore, prescribed fire is a convenient, affordable, and efficient tool that you can use to manage your land. Managing your land with prescribed fire is much easier now with our prescribed fire cost-share program. Our cost-share program provides financial assistance for implementing prescribed fire, fire breaks, and technical assistance for landowners who qualify. Please refer to the Georgia Sentinel Landscape map and county list to see if your land qualifies.

Contact Jason Alstad with the Georgia Conservancy at (212) 447-5910 to sign up today

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